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The Role and Competencies of Dublin Units

Who is Who in International Protection in the EU+, Issue No 8

The report presents an overview of the national authorities which are responsible for the Dublin procedure. It maps their place within the institutional framework and the activities for which they are responsible.


Quality Assurance Tool

Examination of applications for international protection

This publication provides guidance on the methodology for the quality assessment of applications for international protection.


Practical Guide on Quality Assurance in Asylum Procedures

This guide aims to support asylum administrations to implement a quality assurance methodology in the asylum procedure and further develop their quality management systems.


EUAA Pilot Convergence Analysis 2023

Final report

This report presents the main findings of the study on convergence, as conducted by the EUAA with the support of EU+ countries. The study focuses on the main factors leading to variations in recognition rates as well as on measures to achieve greater convergence. 


Practical Tool for Guardians — Transnational procedures in the framework of international protection

This booklet is a guide for guardians of unaccompanied children specifically focusing on transnational procedures in the framework of international protection.


External evaluation of the use and impact of EUAA country information and guidance products

This report provides a thorough understanding on the use, usefulness, usability, and impact of the EUAA's Country of Origin Information and Country Guidance products. 


Overview of the Role of UNHCR in EU+ Countries

Who is Who in International Protection in the EU+, Issue No 7

Accompanied by an interactive data visualisation, this report presents UNHCR's activities and priorities across EU+ countries by mapping the agency's specific role in asylum procedures.



Quarterly Overview of Asylum Case Law

Issue No 1/2024

A compilation of cases related to international protection which were pronounced from December 2023 to February 2024.
