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EASO Практичен водич за регистрирање

Поднесување барања за меѓународна заштита

Фокус на Практичниот водич за регистрирање на EASO: Поднесување на барања за меѓународна
заштита е воедно и изработката и поднесувањето на барањата, со цел да се претстави сеопфатен
преглед на добрите практики.


Guía práctica sobre el registro

Presentación de solicitudes de protección internacional

This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.


Ghid practic privind înregistrarea

Depunerea cererilor de protecție internațională

This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.


Gyakorlati útmutató a nyilvántartásba vételről

Nemzetközi védelem iránti kérelmek benyújtása

This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.


Praktisk vejledning om registrering

Indgivelse af ansøgninger om international beskyttelse

This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.


praktiska vägledning om registrering

Inlämning av ansökningar om internationellt skydd

This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.


Gwida Prattika dwar ir-Reġistrazzjoni

"Preżentazzjoni ta’ applikazzjonijiet għallprotezzjoni internazzjonal"

This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.


Praktiline juhend registreerimise kohta

Rahvusvahelise kaitse taotluste esitamine

This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.
