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Checklist for Implementation of Selection Missions

This tool is a checklist that contains a collection of key elements/activities to consider throughout the process ofa resettlement selection mission. 


Σημείωμα καθοδήγησης για τις προπαρασκευαστικές ενημερώσεις προσφύγων

This document provides a template that can be used in briefings with refugees prior to the selection interview.


Lista di controllo per la realizzazione di missioni di selezione

This tool is a checklist that contains a collection of key elements/activities to consider throughout the process ofa resettlement selection mission. 


Smjernica za pripremne informativne sastanke s izbjeglicama

This document provides a template that can be used in briefings with refugees prior to the selection interview.


Applying the Concept of Safe Countries in the Asylum Procedure

This report summarises the application of safe country concepts across EU+ countries, highlighting similarities and differences in practices


Data analysis of decisions on asylum applications in appeal or review in 2021

Fact Sheet No 12

The fact sheet presents an analysis of trends in decisions taken on asylum applications at second or higher instances.


Protecting women and girls in the asylum procedure

Fact Sheet No 11

Based on the Asylum Report 2022, the fact sheet presents developments related to women and girls in the asylum procedure in EU+ countries


Policymaking Authorities

Who is Who in International Protection in the EU+, Issue No 2

The report maps out policymaking authorities involved in international protection in each EU+ country.
