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Management Board Decision No 161/2024 on the Monitoring methodology

Management Board Decision No 161 of 13 March 2024 establishing a common methodology for the monitoring mechanism on the operational and technical application of the Common European Asylum System.


Practical Tool for Guardians – Introduction to international protection

This tool introduces newly-appointed guardians to the concept of international protection, possible forms of protection recognised through the asylum procedure, the relevant legal framework and the rights of the child in the procedure.


Judicial analysis on evidence and credibility in the context of the Common European Asylum System

This judicial analysis provides an overview of the EU legal framework and jurisprudence that pertains to evidence and credibility assessment.


Judicial Analysis on Qualification for international Protection - second edition

Directive 2011/95/EU

This judicial analysis is primarily intended for use by members of courts and tribunals of EU Member States whose work concerns hearing appeals or conducting reviews of decisions on applications for international protection.


საერთაშორისო დაცვის უფლების მქონე პირად კვალიფიცირება პრეცედენტული სამართლის ანალიზი (მეორე გამოცემა)

Directive 2011/95/EU

პრეცედენტული სამართლის წინამდებარე ანალიზის ეხება საერთაშორისო დაცვის უფლების მქონე პირად კვალიფიცირებას # 2011/95/EU დირექტივის (QD (ახალი რედაქციით)) მიხედვით


Teisminė analizė: Tarptautinės apsaugos galiojimo nutraukimas Antras leidimas

The judicial analysis analysises the law on ending international protection in relation to refugee status and subsidiary protection status as well as with procedural matters relating to ending international protection.


Judicial analysis on Ending International Protection - update

The judicial analysis analysises the law on ending international protection in relation to refugee status and subsidiary protection status as well as with procedural matters relating to ending international protection.


Juridiskā analīze: Starptautiskās aizsardzības izbeigšana Otrais izdevums

The judicial analysis analysises the law on ending international protection in relation to refugee status and subsidiary protection status as well as with procedural matters relating to ending international protection.
