Interpretation in the Asylum Procedure – Essential Rules
This poster describes ten essential rules to keep in mind when interpreting in the asylum procedure.
Interpretation in the Asylum Procedure – Checklists
These four checklists help interpreters working in the asylum procedure to prepare for an assignment and to self-assess their own performance following an interpretation. A specific checklist is dedicated to remote interpretation.
Practical Guide on Interpretation in the Asylum Procedure
Primarily intended for interpreters in the asylum procedure, this guide informs interpreters on what to expect when performing their tasks, explains their role and key principles to uphold, and provides guidance on how to interpret in line with international standards.
Recommendations on Family Reunification within the Dublin Procedure
These recommendations aim at facilitating cooperation, increasing quality standards and supporting the harmonisation of processes among Member States in family reunification cases in the Dublin procedure.
Psühholoogilist pinget käsitleva ning lapsevanematele ja lastele suunatud psühhopedagoogilise materjali kasutuselevõtt
Juhised esmatasandi ametnikele Töötamine vastuvõtmisel
These instructions support first line officers in rolling out the pocket books:
Déploiement du matériel psychoéducatif sur la détresse psychologique auprès des parents et des enfants
Instructions à l’intention des agents d’accueil (agents de première ligne)
These instructions support first line officers in rolling out the pocket books:
Despliegue del material psicoeducativo sobre estrés psicológico para progenitores y menores
Instrucciones para los funcionarios de primera línea Trabajar en el ámbito de la acogida
These instructions support first line officers in rolling out the pocket books:
A pszichés szorongásról szóló pszichoedukációs anyagok terjesztése a szülők és a gyermekek körében
Utasítások az első vonalbeli tiszteknek A befogadás során végzett munka
These instructions support first line officers in rolling out the pocket books: