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Guia Prático de Registo

Apresentação de pedidos de proteção internacional

This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.


Praktični vodič o registraciji

Podnošenje zahtjeva za međunarodnu zaštitu

This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.


Praktická příručka o registraci

Podávání žádostí o mezinárodní ochranu

This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.


EASO Практични водич за регистрацију

Подношење захтева за међународну заштиту

Фокус EASO практичног водича за регистрацију: Подношење захтева за међународну заштиту уједно је и пријављивање и подношење захтева, са циљем да се представи свеобухватан преглед добрих пракси.


EASO. Guia Prático sobre a Aplicação de Cláusulas de Cessação

This practical guide aims to provide guidance to case officers when examining the application of cessation clauses and to policy officers as well when implementing national workflows in the context of the cessation process.


Guida pratica sull’applicazione delle clausole di cessazione

This practical guide aims to provide guidance to case officers when examining the application of cessation clauses and to policy officers as well when implementing national workflows in the context of the cessation process.


EASO. Ghid practic privind aplicarea clauzelor de încetare a protecției

This practical guide aims to provide guidance to case officers when examining the application of cessation clauses and to policy officers as well when implementing national workflows in the context of the cessation process.


Praxisleitfaden zur Anwendung von Beendigungsklauseln

This practical guide aims to provide guidance to case officers when examining the application of cessation clauses and to policy officers as well when implementing national workflows in the context of the cessation process.
