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Katalog delavnic agencije EUAA za izobraževanje v pravosodju

This catalogue details the EUAA judicial workshops for judicial practitioners in the field of international protection on a variety of topics relating to the Common European Asylum System. The workshops are complemented by the EUAA judicial materials.


Catalogo dei workshop giudiziari EUAA

This catalogue details the EUAA judicial workshops for judicial practitioners in the field of international protection on a variety of topics relating to the Common European Asylum System. The workshops are complemented by the EUAA judicial materials.


Κατάλογος εργαστηρίων για δικαστικούς λειτουργούς του EUAA

This catalogue details the EUAA judicial workshops for judicial practitioners in the field of international protection on a variety of topics relating to the Common European Asylum System. The workshops are complemented by the EUAA judicial materials.


Katalog warsztatów EUAA dla kadr wymiaru sprawiedliwości

This catalogue details the EUAA judicial workshops for judicial practitioners in the field of international protection on a variety of topics relating to the Common European Asylum System. The workshops are complemented by the EUAA judicial materials.


Catalogue des ateliers judiciaires de l’AUEA

This catalogue details the EUAA judicial workshops for judicial practitioners in the field of international protection on a variety of topics relating to the Common European Asylum System. The workshops are complemented by the EUAA judicial materials.


Каталог на юридическите семинари на Агенцията на Европейския съюз в областта на убежището

This catalogue details the EUAA judicial workshops for judicial practitioners in the field of international protection on a variety of topics relating to the Common European Asylum System. The workshops are complemented by the EUAA judicial materials.


Katalog över EUAA:s rättsseminarier

This catalogue details the EUAA judicial workshops for judicial practitioners in the field of international protection on a variety of topics relating to the Common European Asylum System. The workshops are complemented by the EUAA judicial materials.


EUAA praktinių teisinių seminarų katalogas

This catalogue details the EUAA judicial workshops for judicial practitioners in the field of international protection on a variety of topics relating to the Common European Asylum System. The workshops are complemented by the EUAA judicial materials.
