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Käytännön opas turvapaikka- ja vastaanottohenkilöstön hyvinvoinnista – Osa II

Henkilöstön hyvinvoinnin välinevalikoima

This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.


Guide pratique sur le bien-être du personnel chargé de l’asile et de l’accueil – Partie II

Boîte à outils pour le bien-être du personnel

This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.


Praktičan vodič o dobrobiti osoblja u postupku azila i prihvata - II. dio

Komplet alata za dobrobit osoblja

This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.


Guida pratica sul benessere del personale addetto all’asilo e all’accoglienza – Parte II

Pacchetto di strumenti per il benessere del personale

This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.


Gyakorlati útmutató a menekültügy és a befogadás területén dolgozó személyzet jólétéről - II. rész

Személyzeti jóléti eszköztár

This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.


Praktični vodnik o dobrem počutju osebja, ki deluje na področju azilnega postopka in sprejema. Del II

Orodja za dobro počutje osebja

This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.


Praktická príručka starostlivosti o zamestnancov pracujúcich v oblasti azylu a prijímania - 2. časť

Súbor nástrojov starostlivosti o zamestnancov

This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.


Ghid practic privind starea de bine a personalului din domeniul azilului și al primirii. Partea a II-a

Set de instrumente pentru asigurarea stării de bine a personalului

This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.
