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Practical guide on family tracing

This guide provides a set of guidance and reference materials to support EU+ countries regarding family tracing, as well as a mapping of current practices of family tracing across EU+ countries.


EASO aile takibi uygulama kılavuzu

EASO Uygulama Kılavuzu Serisi


Practical guide: Evidence assessment

This guide is designed in a similar way to the Practical guide: Personal interview. It is intended to provide support for the daily work of case officers and addresses the challenging tasks related to evidence assessment: gathering information, credibility assessment, risk assessment.


Practical guide: Exclusion

This practical guide is intended to assist in the detection and examination of potential exclusion cases.


Practical guide: Personal interview

Being the first practical tool developed within the Agency Quality Matrix process, this practical guide is designed to assist case officers across the EU and beyond in their daily work by providing a practical checklist and brief guidance in five stages relating to the conduct of the personal int
