
Afghanistan - Country Focus

The purpose of this report is to provide information relevant for international protection status determination.


Nigeria - Country Focus

The report provides an overview of the situation in Nigeria in the period 1 January 2023 – 31 March 2024, focusing on security issues and selected profiles relevant for international protection.


Protecting women and girls in the asylum procedure

Fact Sheet No 24

Based on the Asylum Report 2024, the fact sheet presents developments related to women and girls in the asylum procedure in EU+ countries.


Sudan - Country Focus

The report provides an overview of the situation in Sudan, in the period 15 April 2023 - January 2024, in terms of security issues and selected profiles, relevant for international protection, affected by the conflict.


Afghanistan - Country Focus

This report contains information on the general security and humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, as well as on the targeting of certain individuals.


Identifying and supporting victims of human trafficking in the asylum procedure

Situational Update No 17

The situational update presents developments at the national and EU levels related to protecting asylum applicants who are victims of human trafficking.


Irak – Gezielte Gewalt gegen Individuen

This report provides information on the targeting and treatment of persons belonging to specific profiles in Iraq, as well as relevant context information in view of the assessment of international protection status determination for Iraqi asylum seekers, including refugee status and subsidiary p


Iraq Targeting of individuals (February 2022)

This report provides information on the targeting and treatment of persons belonging to specific profiles in Iraq, as well as relevant context information in view of the assessment of international protection status determination for Iraqi asylum seekers, including refugee status and subsidiary p
