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Residence permits and travel documents for third-country nationals in the context of asylum

Fact Sheet No 23

This fact sheet explores developments in the issuance of residence permits and travel documents to third-country nationals.


Family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection

Fact Sheet No 22

This fact sheet presents information on family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection as extracted from the EUAA Asylum Report 2023.


Praktinė priemonė globėjams

Laikinoji apsauga nelydimiems iš Ukrainos bėgantiems vaikams

This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.


Praktická pomôcka pre opatrovníkov

Dočasná ochrana pre maloleté osoby bez sprievodu utekajúce z Ukrajiny

This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.


Herramienta práctica para tutores

Protección temporal para menores no acompañados que huyen de Ucrania

This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.


Praktiskie rīki aizbildņiem

Pagaidu aizsardzība no Ukrainas bēgošiem bērniem bez pavadoņa

This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.


Практически инструмент за настойници

Временна закрила за непридружени деца, бягащи от Украйна

This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.


Практичний інструмент для опікунів

Тимчасовий захист для дітей без супроводу, які тікають з України

This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.
