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Nota esplicativa sui temi di orientamento pre-partenza

This tool aims to provide resettlement officers and PDO trainers with an overview of topics that provide consistent and accurate information about life in the resettlement country.


Πρακτικός οδηγός για τον σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση αποστολών επιλογής

This tool is intended as a brief guide to accompany resettlement officials when preparing and implementing a resettlement selection mission.


Ghid practic pentru planificarea și implementarea misiunilor de selectare

This tool is intended as a brief guide to accompany resettlement officials when preparing and implementing a resettlement selection mission.


Notă de orientare privind subiectele orientării înainte de plecare

This tool aims to provide resettlement officers and PDO trainers with an overview of topics that provide consistent and accurate information about life in the resettlement country.


Navodilo za orientacijske teme pred odhodom

This tool aims to provide resettlement officers and PDO trainers with an overview of topics that provide consistent and accurate information about life in the resettlement country.


Praktisk veileder til planlegging og gjennomføring av kommisjonsreiser

This tool is intended as a brief guide to accompany resettlement officials when preparing and implementing a resettlement selection mission.


Praktische gids voor het plannen en uitvoeren van selectiemissies

This tool is intended as a brief guide to accompany resettlement officials when preparing and implementing a resettlement selection mission.


Guida pratica per la pianificazione e la realizzazione delle missioni di selezione

This tool is intended as a brief guide to accompany resettlement officials when preparing and implementing a resettlement selection mission.
