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Leitfaden für die Vorbereitung von Flüchtlingen auf ihre Anhörung

This document provides a template that can be used in briefings with refugees prior to the selection interview.


Multi-annual programming 2023-2025, Work Programme 2023, Amendment 1

Single Programming Document 2023-2025

An amendment was approved in December 2022 to the Agency's Single Programming Document 2023 - 2025.


Quarterly Overview of Asylum Case Law, Issue No 4/2022

The overview summarises court cases related to international protection for the period September to November 2022


EUAA Training Planner 2023

This planner shows the dates and deadlines of training sessions organised by the EUAA Training and Professional Development Centre


Applying the Concept of Safe Countries in the Asylum Procedure

This report summarises the application of safe country concepts across EU+ countries, highlighting similarities and differences in practices


Practical Guide on Interviewing Applicants with Religion-based Asylum Claims

This practical guide aims to help case officers conduct fairer and more efficient interviews in view of the complexity and challenges posed by religion-based asylum claims.


Πρακτικός οδηγός για τις συνεντεύξεις με αιτούντες άσυλο λόγω θρησκείας

This practical guide aims to help case officers conduct fairer and more efficient interviews in view of the complexity and challenges posed by religion-based asylum claims.


Guía práctica sobre las entrevistas a los solicitantes de asilo por motivos religiosos

This practical guide aims to help case officers conduct fairer and more efficient interviews in view of the complexity and challenges posed by religion-based asylum claims.
