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Formação de apoio da EUAA no contexto da guerra na Ucrânia

The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine


Sprijin pentru formare acordat de EUAA în contextul războiului din Ucraina

The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine


Podpora EUAA v oblasti odbornej prípravy v kontexte vojny na Ukrajine

The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine


Podpora agencije EUAA za usposabljanje v okoliščinah vojne v Ukrajini

The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine


EUAA:s utbildningsstöd i samband med kriget i Ukraina

The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine


EUAA-Unterstützung für Schulungen im Kontext des Krieges in der Ukraine

The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine


EUAA's uddannelseskurser i forbindelse med krigen i Ukraine

The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine


Podpůrná odborná příprava agentury EUAA v souvislosti s válkou na Ukrajině

The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine
