
Country Guidance: Somalia (August 2023)

Common analysis and guidance note

This country guidance document provides an in-depth analysis of the situation in Somalia, focussing on the key elements of qualification for international protection.

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Somali: Güvenlik Durumu

Raporda 1991’den önce Somali geçici anayasası tarafından öngörülen 18 idari bölge için hem ülke hem de bölge düzeyindeki güvenlik durumu hakkında güncel bilgilere ve haritalandırmaya yer verilmektedir


Somalia: Security Situation (February 2023)

The report provides an overview of the main security trends and conflict dynamics at country level in the reference period (1 July 2021 - 30 November 2022). Within this context it includes information on crucial developments that were already visible as of December 2022.


Somalia: Defection, desertion and disengagement from Al-Shabaab

The report provides background information and whenever available data about deserting and defecting pathways out of Al-Shabaab militant group. After distinguishing between the formal and the informal options, the report engages with the main challenges and consequences associated with them.


Somali: Eş-Şebab’dan iltica, firar ve çekilme

Raporda Eş-Şebab militan grubundan firar ve iltica etme yolları hakkında arka plan bilgileri ve mevcut olduğu her durumda ilgili veriler yer almaktadır.


Nota di orientamento: Somalia

This guidance note summarises the conclusions of the common analysis of the situation in Somalia in a light user-friendly format. It focuses on the main elements of qualification for international protection.


Notă de îndrumare: Somalia

This guidance note summarises the conclusions of the common analysis of the situation in Somalia in a light user-friendly format. It focuses on the main elements of qualification for international protection.


Note d’orientation: Somalie

This guidance note summarises the conclusions of the common analysis of the situation in Somalia in a light user-friendly format. It focuses on the main elements of qualification for international protection.
