JHAAN: Joint Paper on JHA Agencies' Contribution to EU Solidarity with Ukraine
This report provides a summary of the work performed by the EU Justice and Home Affairs Agencies since the beginning of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Providing Temporary Protection to Displaced Persons from Ukraine: A Year in Review
The report covers national developments in the implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive, from crisis measures to changing legislation and practices.
Surveys of Arriving Migrants from Ukraine Factsheet 2 February 2023
Based on responses received between 11 April 2022 and 12 January 2023
On 11 April, the EUAA in partnership with OECD launched the Surveys of Arriving Migrants from Ukraine (SAM - UKR).
Strumento pratico per i tutori
Protezione temporanea dei minori non accompagnati in fuga dall’Ucraina
This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.
Практически инструмент за настойници
Временна закрила за непридружени деца, бягащи от Украйна
This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.
Gyakorlati eszköz gyámoknak
Átmeneti védelem az Ukrajnából menekülő kísérő nélküli kiskorúak számár
This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.
Outil pratique à l’attention des tuteurs
La protection temporaire des enfants non accompagnés fuyant l’Ukraine
This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.
Πρακτικό εργαλείο για επιτρόπους
Προσωρινή προστασία των ασυνόδευτων παιδιών που εγκαταλείπουν την Ουκρανία
This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.