
COI Report: Iraq - Security Situation (October 2020)

This report on the security situation provides details on conflict dynamics, territorial control/influence, and (armed) actors at general and regional level.

COI Report: Iraq The protest movement and treatment of protesters and activists

This report provides a description of the protest movement and of treatments reserved to activists.


COI Report: Iraq - Treatment of Iraqis with perceived affiliation to ISIL (October 2020)

This report provides a description of treatments reserved to individuals who are belivied to belong to ISIL.


COI Report: Iraq - Security situation (March 2019)

This report on the security situation provides details on conflict dynamics, territorial control/influence, and (armed) actors at general and regional level.

COI Report: Iraq - Targeting of individuals (March 2019)

This report describes the targeting actors and the different profiles targeted in the country.


COI Report: Iraq - Key socio-economic indicators (February 2019)

This report provides an analysis of the key socio-economic indicators (employment, food security, housing and living conditions, etc.).

COI Meeting Report on Iraq

Meeting of experts (Practical Cooperation Meeting of 25-26 April 2017 held in Brussels) regarding the situation in Iraq.