Quarterly Overview of Asylum Case Law
Issue No 1/2023
A compilation of cases related to asylum which were pronounced from December 2022 to February 2023.
Reception Authorities
Who is Who in International Protection in the EU+, Issue No 5
The report presents an overview of national authorities responsible for reception conditions in EU+ countries, commonly referred to as reception authorities.
EUAA Asylum and reception operational response catalogue
The Catalogue provides a list of operational support interventions offered by EUAA
Safeguards for asylum applicants with disabilities
Fact Sheet No 14
This fact sheet presents measures taken by national authorities to improve conditions for asylum applicants with disabilities.
Use of temporary reception structures during the winter season
Situational Update No 16
The situational update presents an overview of EU+ countries which use temporary shelters in reception, such as tents and containers. It further explores if these structures are ready for the winter season.
Modular Approach to Reception: Container site designs
EUAA practical tool on the design and management of modular reception centres
The publication aims to be a guide to relevant stakeholders (e.g., national, regional and local authorities, as well as civil society organisations) when designing and building new reception centres according to the agency’s standards and guidelines.
Reception conditions for children seeking international protection
Fact Sheet No 8
The fact sheet presents an overview view of developments related to reception conditions for children in the asylum procedure, as extracted from the Asylum Report 2022.