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Tarkistuslista siirtojen järjestämiseen

The main objective of this tool is to identify the most important steps and activities that may take place when preparing and implementing the transfer of refugees within a resettlement programme.


Lista de control para la organización de traslados

The main objective of this tool is to identify the most important steps and activities that may take place when preparing and implementing the transfer of refugees within a resettlement programme.


Checklist for Transfer Arrangements

The main objective of this tool is to identify the most important steps and activities that may take place when preparing and implementing the transfer of refugees within a resettlement programme.


Κατάλογος ελέγχου για την οργάνωση μεταφορών

The main objective of this tool is to identify the most important steps and activities that may take place when preparing and implementing the transfer of refugees within a resettlement programme.


Checkliste für die Organisation der Überführung

The main objective of this tool is to identify the most important steps and activities that may take place when preparing and implementing the transfer of refugees within a resettlement programme.


Контролен списък за условията на трансфера

The main objective of this tool is to identify the most important steps and activities that may take place when preparing and implementing the transfer of refugees within a resettlement programme.


Σημείωμα καθοδήγησης σχετικά με τις θεματικές ενότητες των συνεδριών προσανατολισμού πριν από την αναχώρηση

This tool aims to provide resettlement officers and PDO trainers with an overview of topics that provide consistent and accurate information about life in the resettlement country.


Listă de verificare pentru organizarea sesiunilor de orientare înainte de plecare și orientare culturală prin conexiune video

This checklist can be used to prepare and conduct pre-departure (PDO) and cultural orientation (CO) sessions via video conference for refugees in the resettlement process.
