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Smjernica za pripremne informativne sastanke s izbjeglicama

This document provides a template that can be used in briefings with refugees prior to the selection interview.


Note d’orientation sur les briefings préparatoires pour les réfugiés

This document provides a template that can be used in briefings with refugees prior to the selection interview.


Opas pakolaisille järjestettäviin valmisteleviin ohjeistuksiin

This document provides a template that can be used in briefings with refugees prior to the selection interview.


Nota orientativa sobre las sesiones informativas preparatorias para los refugiados

This document provides a template that can be used in briefings with refugees prior to the selection interview.


Guiding note for preparatory briefings for refugees

This document provides a template that can be used in briefings with refugees prior to the selection interview.


Σημείωμα καθοδήγησης για τις προπαρασκευαστικές ενημερώσεις προσφύγων

This document provides a template that can be used in briefings with refugees prior to the selection interview.


Leitfaden für die Vorbereitung von Flüchtlingen auf ihre Anhörung

This document provides a template that can be used in briefings with refugees prior to the selection interview.


Data on resettlement activities in 2021

Fact Sheet No 15

This fact sheet presents data from Eurostat on resettled refugees, complementing the section on resettlement and humanitarian admissions in the Asylum Report 2022
