
How can I deal with situations in which my parents seem sad, worried, or angry?

A self-help tool for children

This pocket book targets applicant children who notice a change in their parent’s behaviour due to psychological distress or accumulation of trauma. The tool provides some basic tips on how to stay safe and ask for support.


Як я можу підтримати свою дитину в скрутні часи?

A self-help tool for parents

This pocket book targets applicant parents who see a change in the behaviour of their children, caused by psychological distress or accumulation of trauma. The tool provides basic tips on how to support them in feeling better.


Как я могу поддержать своего ребенка в трудные времена?

A self-help tool for parents

This pocket book targets applicant parents who see a change in the behaviour of their children, caused by psychological distress or accumulation of trauma. The tool provides basic tips on how to support them in feeling better.


Comment puis-je soutenir mon enfant dans les moments difficiles?

A self-help tool for parents

This pocket book targets applicant parents who see a change in the behaviour of their children, caused by psychological distress or accumulation of trauma. The tool provides basic tips on how to support them in feeling better.


¿Cómo puedo ayudar a mi hijo o hija en los momentos difíciles?

A self-help tool for parents

This pocket book targets applicant parents who see a change in the behaviour of their children, caused by psychological distress or accumulation of trauma. The tool provides basic tips on how to support them in feeling better.


How can I support my child during difficult times?

A self-help tool for parents

This pocket book targets applicant parents who see a change in the behaviour of their children, caused by psychological distress or accumulation of trauma. The tool provides basic tips on how to support them in feeling better.


"كيف يمكنني دعم طفلي خلال الأوقات الصعبة؟"

A self-help tool for parents

This pocket book targets applicant parents who see a change in the behaviour of their children, caused by psychological distress or accumulation of trauma. The tool provides basic tips on how to support them in feeling better.


"كيف أتعامل مع المواقف التي يشعر فيها والداي بالحزن أو القلق أو الغضب؟"

A self-help tool for children

This pocket book targets applicant children who notice a change in their parent’s behaviour due to psychological distress or accumulation of trauma. The tool provides some basic tips on how to stay safe and ask for support.
