Authorities and Stakeholders Involved in Resettlement and Humanitarian Admissions
Who is Who in International Protection in the EU+, Issue No 6
Accompanied by an interactive data visualisation, this report presents an overview of resettlement and humaniarian admission programmes and the authorities which are responsible for their governance.
Providing Temporary Protection to Displaced Persons from Ukraine: A Year in Review
The report covers national developments in the implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive, from crisis measures to changing legislation and practices.
Iran – Situation of Afghan refugees
This report describes the situation of Afghan refugees in Iran. Afghans living in Iran can be broadly divided into four main groups: Amayesh cardholders, Afghan passport holders with Iranian visas, undocumented Afghan refugees and Afghans registered during headcount exercises.
Quarterly Overview of Asylum Case Law, Issue No 3/2022
A compilation of cases related to asylum which were pronounced from June to August 2022.
Afghan nationals seeking international protection in the EU+
Fact Sheet No 10
Based on the Asylum Report 2022, the fact sheet presents developments related to Afghan nationals seeking asylum in EU+ countries
Analysis of Measures to Provide Protection to Displaced Persons from Ukraine: Situational Report
The report takes stock of the first 100 days of the war in Ukraine and how EU+ countries responded to the protection needs of displaced persons during the period 24 February to 3 June 2022.
Отчет о ситуации с предоставлением убежища за 2022 год: РЕЗЮМЕ
A summary in Russian of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2021. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.
Relatório sobre o Asilo 2022: Síntese
A summary in Portuguese of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2021. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.