Guía de la EASO sobre la pertenencia a un determinado grupo social
This practical tool aims to support Member States in applying the concept of membership of particular social group (MPSG) as one of the 1951 Geneva Convention grounds of persecution in the examination process of applications for international protection.
Guide sur l’appartenance à un certain groupe social
This practical tool aims to support Member States in applying the concept of membership of particular social group (MPSG) as one of the 1951 Geneva Convention grounds of persecution in the examination process of applications for international protection.
EASO priklausymo tam tikrai socialinei grupei gairės
This practical tool aims to support Member States in applying the concept of membership of particular social group (MPSG) as one of the 1951 Geneva Convention grounds of persecution in the examination process of applications for international protection.
EASO Ghid privind apartenența la un anumit grup social
This practical tool aims to support Member States in applying the concept of membership of particular social group (MPSG) as one of the 1951 Geneva Convention grounds of persecution in the examination process of applications for international protection.
Practical guide on the implementation of the Dublin III Regulation
Personal interview and evidence assessment
Practical guide on the best interests of the child
EASO Practical guide on the best interests of the child in asylum procedures
This practical guide is intended to support competent Member State authorities in applying the principle of the best interests of the child and enhancing the guarantees within asylum procedures for children.
Practical guide on age assessment
This practical guide is intended to support EU+ countries in the implementation of the principle of the best interests of the child when assessing the need for age examination and when designing and undertaking age assessment.
Practical guide: Qualification for international protection - Flowchart poster for practitioners
This practical guide intends to assist case officers and decision-makers in the examination of applications for international protection and application of the legal criteria on who qualifies for international protection, referring to both refugee status and subsidiary protection.