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Opas tulkkien välityksellä viestimiseen

This document intends to promote and ensure the quality of interpretation services for resettlement countries.


Richtsnoer voor communicatie via tolken

This document intends to promote and ensure the quality of interpretation services for resettlement countries.


Guiding note for communication via interpreters

This document intends to promote and ensure the quality of interpretation services for resettlement countries.


Nota orientativa sobre la comunicación a través de intérpretes

This document intends to promote and ensure the quality of interpretation services for resettlement countries.


Kontrolni seznam za izvajanje izbirnih misij

This tool is a checklist that contains a collection of key elements/activities to consider throughout the process ofa resettlement selection mission. 


Listă de verificare pentru implementarea misiunilor de selectare

This tool is a checklist that contains a collection of key elements/activities to consider throughout the process ofa resettlement selection mission. 


Lista de verificação para a execução das missões de seleção

This tool is a checklist that contains a collection of key elements/activities to consider throughout the process ofa resettlement selection mission. 


Sjekkliste for gjennomføring av kommisjonsreiser

This tool is a checklist that contains a collection of key elements/activities to consider throughout the process ofa resettlement selection mission. 
