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Gwida prattika dwar il-benessri tal-persunal tal-ażil u l-akkoljenza. Parti II

Sett ta’ għodod

This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.


Poradnik praktyczny dotyczący dobrobytu pracowników zajmujących się azylem i przyjmowaniem uchodźców - Część II

Zestaw narzędzi na rzecz dobrobytu pracowników

This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.


Guia prático sobre o bem-estar do pessoal responsável pelos processos de asilo e acolhimento - Parte II

Instrumentária de bem-estar do pessoal

This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.


Ghid practic privind starea de bine a personalului din domeniul azilului și al primirii. Partea a II-a

Set de instrumente pentru asigurarea stării de bine a personalului

This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.


Praktická príručka starostlivosti o zamestnancov pracujúcich v oblasti azylu a prijímania - 2. časť

Súbor nástrojov starostlivosti o zamestnancov

This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.


Praktisk vägledning om personalvård för asyl- och mottagningspersonal Del II

Verktygslåda för personalvård

This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.
