
Guidance on Mental Health and Well-being of Applicants for International Protection: Part I – for senior management

Part I – for senior management

This part provides guidance to national authorities on how to set the framework to shape an asylum system informed by mental health and well-being considerations. This is the first of three standalone but complementary and interlinked parts. The other parts can be accessed here:


Practical Guide on applicants with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and sex characteristics — Examination procedure

Examination procedure

It provides practical guidance on the key aspects of the examination of applications for international protection with SOGIESC-based claims, including the registration, personal interview, evidence and risk assessment and legal analysis.


Practical Guide on applicants with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and sex characteristics — Cross-cutting elements

Cross-cutting elements

It provides practical guidance on elements that are cross-cutting and relevant to both asylum procedures and reception.


Practical Guide on applicants with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and sex characteristics — Reception


It provides guidance and practical recommendations on the design and management of reception systems and the provision of reception conditions taking into account the specific needs of LGBTIQ applicants.


Practical Guide on applicants with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and sex characteristics — Information note

Information note

It intends to help professionals working in the field of asylum in enhancing their awareness and skills regarding key terms and concepts relating to SOGIESC.


Country Guidance: Iraq (November 2024)

Common analysis and guidance note

This country guidance document provides an in-depth analysis of the situation in Iraq, focusing on the key elements of qualification for international protection.

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Jurisprudence on Material Reception Conditions in Asylum - Sanctions, Reductions and Withdrawals

Analysis of Case Law from 2019-2024

The report provides comparative information on how national administrations and courts of EU+ countries implement the provisions of the Reception Conditions Directive related to reducing or withdrawing material reception conditions.


Afghanistan - Country Focus

The purpose of this report is to provide information relevant for international protection status determination.
