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Nota informativa sull’alloggio

The purpose of this document is to spell out important information relating to accommodation that may be shared with refugees in advance of their arrival


Lista di controllo per il trasferimento

The main objective of this tool is to identify the most important steps and activities that may take place when preparing and implementing the transfer of refugees within a resettlement programme.


Guida pratica per la pianificazione e la conduzione di colloqui di reinsediamento

This practical guide is intended as a brief guidance and checklist to accompany resettlement case officers in the preparation and implementation of selection interviews.


Modello per una panoramica annuale dei casi di reinsediamento presentati

The main objective of this tool is to provide an overview of those aspects that may be important to track throughout the processing of resettlement cases.


Nota esplicativa sulla comunicazione tramite interpreti

This document intends to promote and ensure the quality of interpretation services for resettlement countries.


Guida pratica per la pianificazione e la realizzazione delle missioni di selezione

This tool is intended as a brief guide to accompany resettlement officials when preparing and implementing a resettlement selection mission.


Modello per la pianificazione dei colloqui di reinsediamento

The main objective of this tool is to provide an overview of the resettlement cases that are to be interviewed during a selection mission.


Lista di controllo per la realizzazione di missioni di selezione

This tool is a checklist that contains a collection of key elements/activities to consider throughout the process ofa resettlement selection mission. 
