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2021. gada apmācības ziņojums Kopsavilkums

This executive summary of the EUAA Annual Training Report provides information about EUAA training activities implemented during 2021


2022. gada ziņojums par situāciju patvēruma jomā: Kopsavilkums

A summary in Latvian of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2021. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.

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EUAA apmācības un mācību stratēģija

The publication presents the EUAA Training and Learning Strategy adopted by Management Board Decision 102 of 7 March 2022


Informācija par piekļuvi patvēruma procedūrai

The brochure provides information on access to the asylum procedure and it is intended to support information provision in the context of the influx of refugees fleeing Ukraine


EUAA apmācību atbalsts Ukrainas kara kontekstā

The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine


Praktiskā rokasgrāmata par informācijas sniegšanu Dublinas procedūrā

Providing information on the Dublin procedure to applicants for international protection is an integral part of the procedure itself. This practical guide was developed to support all officials tasked with providing such information in an effective manner.
