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Praktiskā rokasgrāmata par informācijas sniegšanu Dublinas procedūrā

Providing information on the Dublin procedure to applicants for international protection is an integral part of the procedure itself. This practical guide was developed to support all officials tasked with providing such information in an effective manner.


Praktiskā rokasgrāmata par reģistrāciju

Starptautiskās aizsardzības pieteikumu iesniegšana

This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.


EASO praktiskā rokasgrāmata par statusa zaudēšanas atrunu pielietošanu

This practical guide aims to provide guidance to case officers when examining the application of cessation clauses and to policy officers as well when implementing national workflows in the context of the cessation process.


Juridiskā analīze: Starptautiskās aizsardzības izbeigšana Otrais izdevums

The judicial analysis analysises the law on ending international protection in relation to refugee status and subsidiary protection status as well as with procedural matters relating to ending international protection.


Praktiskā rokasgrāmata par patvēruma un uzņemšanas jomā iesaistītā personāla labklājību - III daļa

Monitoring and evaluation

This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.


Praktiskā rokasgrāmata par patvēruma un uzņemšanas jomā iesaistītā personāla labklājību – II daļa

Personāla labklājības rīkkopa

This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.


Praktiskā rokasgrāmata par patvēruma un uzņemšanas jomā iesaistītā personāla labklājību - I daļa

Standards and policy

This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.
