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Catalogus van justitiële workshops van het EUAA

This catalogue details the EUAA judicial workshops for judicial practitioners in the field of international protection on a variety of topics relating to the Common European Asylum System. The workshops are complemented by the EUAA judicial materials.


European Sectoral Qualifications Framework

European Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Asylum and Reception Officials

Occupational and Educational Standards


Meerjarige programmering 2023-2025 - Samenvatting

Single Programming Document 2023-2025

Summary of the Agency's multi-annual programming for 2023 - 2025 and work programme for 2023


Template voor een informatiedossier

This form summarises information on a refugee’s personal background and enables the planning of adequate support for resettled refugees upon arrival.


Praktische gids voor dossieronderzoek

This tool provides guidance for assessing a resettlement submission via dossier examination i.e. based on the UNHCR file.


Praktische gids voor het plannen en houden van hervestigingsinterviews

This practical guide is intended as a brief guidance and checklist to accompany resettlement case officers in the preparation and implementation of selection interviews.


Praktische gids voor het plannen en uitvoeren van selectiemissies

This tool is intended as a brief guide to accompany resettlement officials when preparing and implementing a resettlement selection mission.
