The EUAA fully adheres to fundamental rights and principles as established by international and Union law, including the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and pertinent international law, notably the Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees of 28 July 1951, as amended by the New York Protocol of 31 January 1967.
In all its activities, the EUAA promotes and respects fundamental rights, particularly the right to asylum, the principle of non-refoulement, the right to respect for private and family life (including family reunification under Union law), the rights of the child, the right to protection of personal data, and the right to an effective remedy and a fair trial.
The EUAA Fundamental Rights Officer is appointed in line with the EUAA Regulation (Article 49) and is responsible to ensure the Agency’s compliance with fundamental rights in all its activities, as well as to promote the respect for fundamental rights in the Agency.
The EUAA Fundamental Rights Officer is an independent body that reports directly to the Agency’s Management Board.
The EUAA Fundamental Rights Officer has access to all information concerning respect for fundamental rights in relation to the Agency’s activities and participates in various aspects of the Agency’s work.
To ensure respect for fundamental rights in all its activities, and in accordance with Article 57(3) of the EUAA Regulation, the Management board of the Agency has adopted the EUAA Fundamental Rights Strategy 2024-2028 based on a proposal from the Fundamental Rights Officer.
The Fundamental Rights Strategy defines the guiding principles for the Agency’s activities, including legality, equality and non-discrimination, participation, transparency, accountability, and protection of personal data.
Furthermore, the strategy aims at enabling the Agency to achieve three main goals:
- Ensuring compliance with fundamental rights in all activities.
- Contribute to guaranteeing the dignified and fair treatment of all individuals seeking international protection in the EU.
- Promoting respect for fundamental rights in all the Agency’s activities.
The achievement of the three set goals is structured around seven strategic objectives, outlined in the Strategy:
- The Agency’s operational and technical assistance is organised and coordinated in a manner that fully respects fundamental rights.
- The Agency’s operational and technical assistance is implemented in a manner that fully respects fundamental rights.
- The operational and technical application of all aspects of the CEAS including respect for fundamental rights, child protection safeguards and the specific needs of persons in a vulnerable situation are covered by the EUAA’s monitoring mechanism.
- Fundamental rights in the context of asylum and reception are promoted via training activities.
- Fundamental rights standards are promoted by the Agency in asylum and reception.
- The application of the CEAS in a manner that fully respects fundamental rights is promoted when the Agency cooperates with its stakeholders.
- Human resources, communication and procurement are aligned with fundamental rights principles.
The EUAA ensures continuous monitoring and evaluation of the Fundamental Rights Strategy, aiming to identify best practices and implement corrective measures as needed.
The Agency, with the support of the EUAA Fundamental Rights Officer, defines annual action plans to implement the Strategy, specifying measures, outcomes, targets, and achievement indicators.