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Single Programming Document 2020-2022, WP 2020 - rev. 4 (14 August 2020)

EASO Single Programming Document: Multi-annual Programming 2020-2022, Work Programme 2020, Revision 4

COI Report: Venezuela - Country focus (August 2020)

This report provides a description of the State and of the socio-political landscape of the country.

COI Report: Afghanistan - Afghanistan, Anti-Government Elements (AGEs) (August 2020)

This report provides a description of anti-government elements (AGEs) in Afghanistan.


COI Report: Afghanistan - State Structure and Security Forces (August 2020)

This report provides a description of the government structure and of the security forces present in Afghanistan.

COVID-19 Emergency Measures in Asylum and Reception Systems, Issue No 2

COVID-19 Emergency Measures in Asylum and Reception Systems, Issue No 2

The second edition provides an overview of new innovations in asylum procedures during the easing of COVID-19 restrictive measures.

Report on mental health of applicants

for international protection in Europe

This report aims to gain a better understanding of what mental health means and implies for applicants of international protection arriving in EU+ countries.

COI Report: Afghanistan - Criminal law, customary justice and informal dispute resolution (July 2020)

This report provides an overview of criminal law and other methods of justice in Afghanistan.

EASO Asylum Report 2020 - Executive Summary

EASO Asylum Report 2020: Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union - Executive Summary

A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2019. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.

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