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Rapport tal-EASO dwar l-Ażil 2020 – Sommarju Eżekuttiv

Rapport tal-EASO dwar l-Ażil 2020: Rapport Annwali dwar is-Sitwazzjoni tal-Ażil fl-Unjoni Ewropea - Sommarju Eżekuttiv

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Asielverslag 2020 van het EASO – Samenvatting

Asielverslag 2020 van het EASO: Jaarverslag over de asielsituatie in de Europese Unie – Samenvatting

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Consolidated Annual Activity Report 2019

EASO Consolidated Annual Activity Report 2019

Special Report: Asylum Trends and COVID-19 Issue 2 - Public

The Special Report examines the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on current and potential future asylum trends