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Roadmap for Cooperation between EASO and Serbia

The implementation of the EASO-Serbia Roadmap for Cooperation started in October 2020 and will be running for the next 24 months (until September 2022).


Roadmap for Cooperation between EASO and North Macedonia

The implementation of the EASO-North Macedonia Roadmap for Cooperation started in November 2020 and will be running for the next 24 months (until October 2022).


Roadmap for Cooperation between EASO and Bosnia and Herzegovina

The implementation of the EASO-Bosnia and Herzegovina Roadmap for Cooperation started in December 2020 and will be running for the next 24 months (until November 2022).


COVID-19 Emergency Measures in Asylum and Reception Systems, Issue No 1

COVID-19 Emergency Measures in Asylum and Reception Systems, Issue No 1

The first edition describes how asylum and reception administrations were impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak.

EASO Практични препораки за спроведување на личното сослушување од далечина

Целта на ова упатство е да обезбеди практични препораки во врска со организирањето лични сослушувања од далечина кои се засноваат на добри практики ширум ЕУ+ земјите и постоечките насоки на EASO


Practical recommendations on conducting the personal interview remotely

This document was developed in the context of the COVID-19 emergency situation. The aim is to provide brief guidance on remote personal interviews based on good practices from across the EU+ countries and existing guidance developed by the Agency.