The new EUAA Regulation introduced the possibility for the EUAA to award grants to help carry out its mandate, which is to support Member States in implementing the Common European Asylum System (CEAS).
The single programming document and its annual work programme provides an overview of the calls for proposals that the EUAA intends to launch. This information is indicative and does not constitute an obligation.
Reference Number | Title | Publication date | Deadline | Type | Status |
EUBA-EUAA-2025-ASYLUMCASELAW | Research and analysis of jurisprudence on international protection and registration in the EUAA Case Law Database | 31 Oct 2024 | 16 Jan 2025 – 17:00 (CET) | Action Grant (AG) | Closed |
Grants are a financial contribution awarded to a person or a body (= the beneficiary) engaged in activities that serve EU policy objectives.
What activities and which organisations are eligible?
The EUAA may award grants to support the implementation of its mandate and tasks outlined in Article 2 of the EUAA Regulation. Generally, a wide range of organisations established in any country may be eligible for these grants. However, each call for proposals will specify the objectives, activities, and desired outcomes. Furthermore, only those type of organisations best suited to meet the specific goals of a call may be eligible to apply.
Types of grants
Grants can be divided into two major types:
- Action grants that finance projects intended to help to achieve an objective under the EUAA's mandate and related tasks. They can be multi-annual.
- Operating grants that finance the work programme of a body (its running costs) pursuing an aim of general EUAA interest or an objective that forms part of an EUAA policy.
Methods of funding - forms of grants
The grant may be given based on eligible costs actually incurred - actual cost grant, or based on simplified forms such as lump sums, unit costs, flat rates or financing not linked to costs. Also, there is a possibility of having a mixed form which is a combination of any of the five forms listed above.
Co-financing may be provided up to a maximum of 99 % of the total eligible costs.
Alternatively, grants using ‘financing not linked to costs’ may cover the whole project and may even result in profit.
Type of grant agreement
Direct Grant Agreement
The agreement, when signed between the EUAA and the beneficiary, provides the exact deliverables and timing.
Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA)
The FPA has a binding effect on the parties but does not have a budgetary impact. It provides framework conditions to beneficiaries, but the exact deliverables and timing are not known. The strategic framework is then implemented through specific grant agreements.
Specific Grant Agreement (SGA)
This agreement is an implementing arm of Framework Partnership Agreements. It sets the exact deliverables and timing. There is no SGA without FPA.
Who owns grant deliverables?
Beneficiaries are the owners of grant results and deliverables. The beneficiaries have a general obligation to promote the project through communication and dissemination activities. The EUAA may use any non-sensitive information for policy, information, communication, dissemination, and publicity purposes (during the project or afterwords).
How is the grant awarded?
Grants should be awarded following an open and competitive call for proposals. Exceptionally, in the cases listed in Article 198 of the Financial Regulation, grants may also be awarded without a call for proposals - so-called 'direct award'.
Who can apply?
In general, organisations may apply alone or in consortium. Ideally, beneficiaries (i.e. those who signs the grant agreement) should implement the project, eventually together with their affiliated entities. But if needed, they may also involve other participants and rely on outside resources (e.g. subcontractors, associated partners).
For more information on the different roles, please consult Annotated Grant Agreement (Introduction and Section 1 consortium: beneficiaries, affiliated entities and other participants).
Keep in mind that it is the call document which sets the specific eligibility and other conditions.
How to submit application?
All proposals must be submitted directly online via the Funding & Tenders Portal Electronic Submission System.
1. Find an EUAA grant procedure
All calls for proposals are published on the EUAA website and Funding and Tenders portal under ‘EU Bodies and Agencies’ (EUBA) programme.
Always read the call document before you start preparing your application! It sets the eligibility and other conditions and definitive rules.
The call for proposal is a published document whose purpose is to inform all potential applicants about the intention to fund and the definitive rules of engagement (objectives, budget, evaluation criteria, submission deadline, financial arrangements, etc.).

2. Find partners, set consortium and resources (optional)

3. Create a user account and register an organisation
To use the Submission System (the only way to apply), all participants need to create an EU Login user account.
Once you have an EU Login account, you can register your organisation in the Participant Register. When your registration is finalised, you will receive a 9-digit participant identification code (PIC). You are also advised to search for your organisation, it may already be registered.

4. Submit your grant proposal via electronic submission system
Access the Electronic Submission System via the Topic page in the Search Funding & Tenders section (see step 1). Link is also advertised in this page of the EUAA website per each call.
To prepare your application, use only the templates available directly in the submission system.
Once your proposal is submitted, you will receive a confirmation e-mail (with date and time of your application).
What’s next?
The Evaluation Committee evaluates all received proposals according to the criteria outlined in the call document. Once all necessary checks are completed, all applicants are notified of the results.
If your application succeeds, you will be invited to prepare and sign the grant agreement. The ‘time-to-grant’ period is a maximum of 9 months.
The EUAA Regulation, Single Programming Documents and Annual Work Plans can be found on the EUAA website.
AGA- Annotated Grant Agreement
Rules for Legal Entity Validation, LEAR Appointment and Financial Capacity Assessment