The EUAA’s activities in data analysis and research are centred around three core pillars. We have set up, maintain and develop data exchanges, providing a comparable and comprehensive view on the practical functioning of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). We produce high-quality and timely analytical outputs on asylum-related migration and relevant aspects of the CEAS for a wide range of stakeholders. We develop early warning capacity, forward-looking analyses, and research on the root causes of asylum-related migration.
In the Analytical Area you can access a wide range of limited analytical outputs on asylum-related migration.
*Access to the Analytical Area can only be granted to staff members of the European Commission, JHA agencies and asylum authorities of EU+ countries.
Early warning and Preparedness System data
Activities on information exchange concerning international protection commenced in 2013, based on Article 33 Dublin III Regulation and Article 9(3) EASO Regulation.
The EUAA continues developing an information exchange mechanism gathering data from the relevant authorities of 29 EU+ countries (EU Member States, plus Norway and Switzerland), which underpins the EUAA’s Early warning and Preparedness System (EPS).
The EPS indicators focus on all key stages of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS).

As the CEAS is a complex process, this information exchange has been developed in iterative stages. The second stage launched in March 2014 focused on the first instance in the asylum process, while the third stage, initiated in September 2015, focused on access to procedure, reception, and Dublin. At the beginning of 2018, information exchange on the fourth stage of the EPS started focusing on the determination in appeal or review.
The EPS data consist of provisional data shared under short timelines aimed at giving an estimation of the latest asylum trends across the EU+ countries in as near to real time as possible.
In developing the EPS indicators, every effort is made to make them as consistent as possible with existing EU official asylum statistics.
The modalities regulating access to the Early warning and Preparedness System data are available in the Management Board Decision No 153 of 14 May 2024.
EU Official Asylum Statistics
While developing the Early warning and Preparedness System indicators, the EUAA works in close cooperation with Eurostat to ensure each of them is as consistent as possible with the existing official asylum statistics collected in line with Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 EU statistics on migration and international protection as amended by Regulation (EU) 2020/851. Eurostat regularly publishes official statistics on asylum on its website.
The official statistics published by Eurostat are the primary source of data analysed in the annual EUAA Asylum Report as well as the summary of the Situation of Asylum in the European Union: annual overview including an interactive visualisation on some key asylum indicators.
In addition to these EU statistics on asylum, the relevant national authorities responsible for asylum also regularly release national official statistics on asylum.