Skočiť na hlavný obsah


EASO Kayıt Hakkında Uygulama Kılavuzu Uluslararası koruma başvurularının sunulması

Bu uygulama kılavuzu öncelikle uluslararası koruma başvurularının kayıt altına alınmasından (başvuruların hem oluşturulmasından hem sunulmasından) sorumlu ulusal yetkili makamlardaki personel tarafından kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmıştır.


EASO Практичен водич за регистрирање

Поднесување барања за меѓународна заштита

Фокус на Практичниот водич за регистрирање на EASO: Поднесување на барања за меѓународна
заштита е воедно и изработката и поднесувањето на барањата, со цел да се претстави сеопфатен
преглед на добрите практики.


praktinis registracijos vadovas

Tarptautinės apsaugos prašymų pateikimas

This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.


Assessing the age of minor applicants for international protection

Assessing the age of minor applicants for international protection, Fact Sheet No EASO/IAS/2021/5

The fact sheet presents information on national practices for the age assessment of minors as extracted from the EASO Asylum Report 2021.

Recommendations on DubliNet

This document aims to promote best practices for the operational use of DubliNet in the Member States

Additional recommendations on Dublin transfers under COVID-19

This document aims to support the Member State authorities in safely organising and carrying out Dublin transfers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to support the Member States in the implementation of the Dublin III regulation during the pandemic.


Recommendations of the EASO Network of Dublin Units on Dublin transfers

This document firstly compiles the rules set out in the legislative framework of the Dublin system. Secondly, it aims to provide recommendations on how to enhance practical cooperation between Member States in order to improve the implementation of Dublin transfers.


Recommendations on information exchange

This document aims to promote best practices for exchanging information between Dublin Units in an efficient and effective way.