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The digitalisation of asylum processes

The digitalisation of asylum processes, Fact Sheet No EASO/IAS/2021/3

The fact sheet presents an overview of developments in digitalising the asylum procedure as extracted from the EASO Asylum Report 2021
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Resettlement and humanitarian admissions

Resettlement and humanitarian admissions, Fact Sheet No EASO/IAS/2021/2

The fact sheet presents information on resettlement and humanitarian admissions as extracted from the EASO Asylum Report 2021.

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State of play of COVID-19 measures on international protection procedures (including the vaccination of asylum seekers)

State of play of COVID-19 measures on international protection procedures (including the vaccination of asylum seekers), Situational Update, Issue No 4

Update on COVID-19 measures and the vaccination of asylum seekers in EU+ countries
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Family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection

Family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection, Fact Sheet No EASO/IAS/2021/1

The fact sheet presents information on family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection as extracted from the EASO Asylum Report 2021.

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Sprawozdanie EASO na temat azylu za 2021 r. – Streszczenie

Sprawozdanie EASO na temat azylu za 2021 r: Roczne sprawozdanie na temat sytuacji w dziedzinie
azylu w Unii Europejskiej – streszczenie

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Rapport tal-EASO dwar l-Azil 2021 – Sommarju Eżekuttiv

Rapport tal-EASO dwar l-Ażil 2021: Rapport Annwali dwar is-Sitwazzjoni tal-Ażil fl-Unjoni Ewropea - Sommarju Eżekuttiv

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Asielverslag 2021 van EASO – Samenvatting

Asielverslag 2021 van EASO: Jaarverslag over de asielsituatie in de Europese Unie – Samenvatting

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Извештај за азил на ЕКПА 2021 година - Извршно резиме

Извештај за азил на ЕКПА 2021 година: Годишен извештај за состојбата со азилот во Европската унија - Извршно резиме

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