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Kodiċi ta’ Kondotta għall-parteċipanti fl-attivitajiet ta’ taħriġ 

Code of Conduct for participants in EUAA training activities

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Apmācību dalībnieku uzvedības kodekss

Code of Conduct for participants in EUAA training activities

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Mokymo veiklos dalyvių elgesio kodeksas 

Code of Conduct for participants in EUAA training activities

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Codice di condotta per i partecipanti alle attività di formazione 

Code of Conduct for participants in EUAA training activities

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Magatartási kódex a képzési tevékenységek résztvevői számára

Code of Conduct for participants in EUAA training activities

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Kodeks ponašanja za sudionike u aktivnostima osposobljavanja 

Code of Conduct for participants in EUAA training activities

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Cód iompair do rannpháirtithe i ngníomhaíochtaí oiliúna 

Code of Conduct for participants in EUAA training activities

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Uppförandekod för deltagare i utbildningsverksamhet 

Code of Conduct for participants in EUAA training activities

Metoda e shkarkimeve