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Příručka k dublinskému řízení

operativní standardy a indikátory

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Leitfaden zum Dublin-Verfahren

operative Normen und Indikatoren

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Guidance on the Dublin procedure

operational standards and indicators

This guidance aims to help Member States with operationalising the existing legal provisions of the Dublin III Regulation and applying them in a harmonised way.
Metoda e shkarkimeve

Guide sur la procédure de Dublin:

normes opérationnelles et indicateurs

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Smernice o dublinskem postopku:

operativni standardi in kazalniki

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Usmernenie k dublinskému konaniu

prevádzkové normy a ukazovatele

Metoda e shkarkimeve

Ghid privind procedura Dublin:

standarde operaționale și indicatori operaționali

Metoda e shkarkimeve