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Годишен доклад относно положението в областта на убежището в Европейския съюз за 2017 г. — общ преглед

Годишен доклад относно положението в областта на убежището в Европейския съюз за 2017 г. — общ преглед

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Vuosikertomus turvapaikkatilanteesta Euroopan unionissa 2017 – Tiivistelmä

Vuosikertomus turvapaikkatilanteesta Euroopan unionissa 2017 – Tiivistelmä

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Ετήσια έκθεση για την κατάσταση του ασύλου στην ΕΕ για το 2017 - Σύνοψη

Ετήσια έκθεση για την κατάσταση του ασύλου στην ΕΕ για το 2017 - Σύνοψη

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Jahresbericht 2017 über die Asylsituation in der Europäischen Union – Zusammenfassung

Jahresbericht 2017 über die Asylsituation in der Europäischen Union – Zusammenfassung

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Årsrapport om asylsituationen i Den Europæiske Union for 2017 — resumé

Årsrapport om asylsituationen i Den Europæiske Union for 2017 — resumé

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Výroční zpráva o situaci v oblasti azylu v Evropské unii za rok 2017 – shrnutí

Výroční zpráva o situaci v oblasti azylu v Evropské unii za rok 2017 – shrnutí

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Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union 2017 - Executive Summary

Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union 2017 - Executive Summary

A summary of the Agency's flagship report presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2017. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.

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Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union 2017 - Executive Summary

Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union 2017 - Executive Summary

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