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EUAA External Cooperation Strategy

The External Cooperation Strategy determines the overall direction, objectives and scope of EUAA actions in the external dimension along two pillars: Third-Country Support and Resettlement and Humanitarian Admission.

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Training flash report 2022

A flash report presenting training highlights of 2022. It provides a brief overview of key training figures in advance of the Annual Training Report.

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Practical Guide on Information Provision – Access to the asylum procedure

This practical guide aims to support EU+ officials providing information to applicants during access to the asylum procedure. The guide outlines basic principles for information provision and communication techniques.

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Somali: Güvenlik Durumu

Raporda 1991’den önce Somali geçici anayasası tarafından öngörülen 18 idari bölge için hem ülke hem de bölge düzeyindeki güvenlik durumu hakkında güncel bilgilere ve haritalandırmaya yer verilmektedir

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Somalia: Security Situation (February 2023)

The report provides an overview of the main security trends and conflict dynamics at country level in the reference period (1 July 2021 - 30 November 2022). Within this context it includes information on crucial developments that were already visible as of December 2022.

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European Sectoral Qualifications Framework

European Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Asylum and Reception Officials

Occupational and Educational Standards

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