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Stephen shares with us the highlights of the EASO Training National Contact Points meeting

NCP meeting

Stephen works as an editor at the EASO Training and Professional Development Centre.

In this issue of the Newsletter, he shares with us the highlights of the EASO Training National Contact Points (NCPs) meeting that took place on 28 and 29 January 2020 at the EASO Headquarters.

During this two day meeting, several topics were discussed. The staff of the Training and Professional Development Centre, various representatives from around the EU, and Dr. Julie Norris, an external expert, attended this meeting.

The focus of the discussions was the EASO Training Governance Standards, but not only. The expert held an interactive workshop on the training NCP’s perspective on transition planning.

Presentations were not only delivered by EASO staff but also by the National Contact Points themselves. Three NCPs delivered presentations of the current state of play in their respective Member States. Participants also had the chance to learn more on ad hoc trainings in Spain as well as on the transition from the core modules into specialised modules in Greece.

Finally, the Swedish representative spoke about the Swedish European Refugee Fund (ERF) funded project “Understanding Asylum”.

To learn more about EASO Training developments and the training curriculum modules, please visit our Training webpage.