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Iraq Security Situation (February 2022)

This report provides information on the security situation, armed actors, and the impact of conflict on civilians in Iraq between 1 August 2020 – 31 October 2021, as well as relevant context information in view of the assessment of international protection status determination for Iraqi asylum se

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Iraq Targeting of individuals (February 2022)

This report provides information on the targeting and treatment of persons belonging to specific profiles in Iraq, as well as relevant context information in view of the assessment of international protection status determination for Iraqi asylum seekers, including refugee status and subsidiary p

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Residence permits for third-country nationals in the context of asylum

Fact Sheet No 6

This report explores developments in the issuance of residence permits to beneficiaries of international protection.

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All you need to know about age assessment

Age assessment booklet for Children

The age assessment booklet for children complements an animation produced by the agency on the topic of age assessment for children.

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Overview of the organisation of reception systems in EU+ countries

Situational Update, Issue No 8

This report provides a comprehensive overview of reception systems, from the roles of authorities to the types of accommodation available.

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COI Report Afghanistan - Country focus

This report provides a description of the general situation, of the security and economic situation and of the socio-political landscape of the country since the Taliban takeover.

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Practical Guide on Exclusion for Serious (Non-Political) Crimes

This guide provides a brief reminder of the main elements of the exclusion examination and explains the constitutive elements of the serious (non-political) crimes ground, the interplay between exclusion for serious (non-political) crimes and closely related provisions, as well as its relation to

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Consultation with Applicants for International Protection on Mental Health

This consultation report aims to capture the voices of applicants for international protection with respect to the mental health concerns some face in asylum and reception.
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