The EUAA supports Member States in the continuous improvement of the efficiency and quality of their asylum systems. To that end, the EUAA Asylum Processes Network and Exclusion Network exchange good practices and challenges and recommendations during practical cooperation meetings. Through these networks the agency facilitates and coordinates the development of practical guides and tools for the use of national asylum administrations on all key aspects of the asylum process. Within these networks efficiency and quality of the asylum procedures are further strengthened by specific focus on quality management and digital innovation.

The EUAA Asylum Processes Network consists of national contact points specialised in the management and improvement of the asylum processes and quality assurance systems.
Members of the network can access its member area.

In 2017, the EUAA established a specialised network of national contact points from the EU and associated countries with the aim of strengthening practical cooperation on issues related to the exclusion from qualification for international protection.
The network also cooperates with the European Commission, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), other EU agencies and relevant partners for the exchange of information and expertise in the field.
Members of the network can access its member area.

Quality management systems ensure fair, transparent, and efficient asylum procedures according to the legal standards and policies in place

The EUAA Quality Management within the Asylum Processes Network includes the following activities and tools.
One of the main EUAA processes to support Member States in improving the quality of their asylum systems is the EUAA quality matrix process.
The EUAA quality matrix process aims to comprehensively map Member State practices, to analyse Member State support needs and to provide solutions through the following activities:
- Thematic mapping. EU and associated countries respond to a questionnaire relating to a key element of asylum.
- Thematic meeting. The key findings from the thematic mapping are presented to the EU and associated countries.
- Thematic report. Following the thematic meeting, a thematic report is drafted. After consultation with the EU and associated countries the report is published and used internally.
- Practical tools. The EUAA develops practical tools based on the information collected in the particular phase of Quality Matrix process and on Member States' expertise.
The EUAA has produced numerous quality matrix reports covering all core aspects of the asylum procedure, reception and Dublin. This includes access to procedure, personal interview, evidence assessment, eligibility, exclusion, special procedures, appeals procedure, withdrawal of international protection, content of international protection, etc. Certain quality matrix reports on the core asylum aspects are now being updated.
Quality matrix reports are intended for internal use by the asylum administrations in EU and associated countries. They are therefore only available to the members of the Asylum Processes Network, accessible through the restricted area.
Over the years, quality matrix meetings were organised focusing on various topics, including content of protection, withdrawal of international protection, reception conditions, appeals procedure, Dublin procedure, special procedures, identification of persons with special needs, access to procedure, exclusion, quality and eligibility, quality and evidence assessment, quality and personal interview.
Operational standards and indicators
One of the core tools that quality management systems make use of in order to plan, assess, monitor and improve the asylum processes in place are standards and indicators. Operational standards and indicators support the EU and associated countries in the practical implementation of key provisions of the asylum procedures directive to achieve fair and effective asylum procedures and to strengthen the Common European Asylum System.
Quality Assurance Tool
The objective of the quality assurance tool is to provide the EU and associated countries with a common framework to systematically assess the quality of asylum interviews and decisions based on common EU standards. The tool can be used for performance assessment, periodic quality review and audits. It can be used to assess the level of quality on an individual level as well as on a process level. The tool also forms a means to detect specific needs and plan relevant follow up measures.
The EUAA organises regular meetings dedicated to the topic of quality management in asylum procedures. The quality management meetings aim to facilitate practical cooperation, mutual learning, and exchange of information on mechanisms, practices, and initiatives regarding the implementation, monitoring and follow up of asylum procedures.
The EUAA aims to support the assurance of quality during the implementation of the EUAA operational activities in the field, in order to promote the CEAS and common standards in the field. Furthermore, the EUAA aims at capacity building for national quality assurance systems and establishes lifecycle support depending on the situation in the field and the Member State’s needs.
This is achieved through a toolbox of measures:
- Promotion of the ‘four eye principle’ through the team leader model/concept;
- Application of the quality assurance tool (QAT);
- Promotion of a consultation culture on quality through dedicated meetings and platforms that engage both the EUAA and the host authorities;
- Support in development of standard operating procedures, templates, guidance, and tools;
- Provision of advice and expertise;
- Support in quality review exercises on interviews and recommendation reports issued in the field.
- Delivery of workshops on EUAA practical guidance and tools. This catalogue presents the current workshops that are delivered to the EUAA Asylum Support Teams and staff of asylum administrations.

The digitalisation of asylum processes is essential in order to improve the efficiency of asylum procedures and create scalable processes that can cope with sudden increases of new applications.
The COVID-19 pandemic boosted the interest in technological/digital tools. In response, the Asylum Processes Network collected and presented information on these new initiatives and developed practical recommendations on online registrations and on remote interviewing.
Besides investing in digitalising its own practical guides and tools, through networks the EUAA also closely follows the significant efforts made by countries in innovating their asylum and reception systems.
In 2020 an intra-EUAA horizontal Asylum Digital Innovation Group was established. The group facilitates the exchange of information on asylum and reception-related digital innovation projects in the EU and associated countries and also within the EUAA.
In 2023, EUAA strategy on Digital Innovation was endorsed by the Management Board. This strategy creates a framework to enhance the effectiveness of the CEAS by supporting EU+ countries in a meaningful digital transformation of asylum processes. It provides a vision and proposes an actionable programme for the EUAA to become a centre of expertise in digital transformation of asylum and reception processes. Its aim is to identify and facilitate synergies among EU+ countries’ digitalisation efforts and facilitate the exchange of innovative tools and practices.
In line with the Strategy on Digital Innovation, in 2024, the Asylum Processes Network will work towards the implementation of three flagship projects:
- Common European platform to identify the country of origin of applicants through language assessment (LADO)
- Self-registration tool
- Digital casework assistant