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Information and Analysis of Developments in Asylum

The EUAA collects information from diverse sources and produces overviews and analyses of developments in legislation, policies, practices and jurisprudence related to asylum and reception systems. The information is vital to examine the evolution of the Common European Asylum System, identify emerging trends and inform evidence-based decision-making. The EUAA manages public and restricted platforms to help foster the exchange of information across EU+ countries and promote continued cooperation.

National Asylum Developments Database 

The National Asylum Developments Database presents an overview of the legislative, institutional and policy changes in EU+ countries which are reported in the Asylum Report. Main developments can be easily searched by country, year, type of development and steps of the asylum procedure.

Asylum Report Brochure   Access the National Asylum Developments Database

Case Law Database

The EUAA Case Law Database presents jurisprudence related to the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). It is a publicly-available resource which includes English summaries of case law issued by European and national courts. It serves as a timely source of accurate information which can be referenced chronologically or through a search function.

Brochure    Access the Case Law Database


Quarterly Overview of Asylum Case Law 

Information and Documentation System

The EUAA Information and Documentation System (IDS) is a comprehensive database which provides policy-makers and officials from more than 50 national authorities with up-to-date information on each stage of the asylum process. The information covers developments in policies, practices and legislation at European and national levels, enabling users to compare practices across countries. 

The IDS platform is restricted to registered users from national asylum and reception administrations. The information in the  database is reviewed and validated by national contact points.

Brochure    Access the IDS platform

Query System

The EUAA Query System allows national administrations to request detailed information from other EU+ countries on policies and practices related to the Common European Asylum System (CEAS).

Queries and surveys are launched through the EUAA Query Portal, a restricted platform for registered users. The portal enables users to have quick access to information on changing patterns in asylum trends. They can also access query replies, summary reports and undertake searches by topic, country, date and key words. 

Brochure    Access the Query Portal

There are four different query systems on migration and asylum which are managed by the EUAA, the European Migration Network (EMN), the General Directors’ Immigration Services Conference (GDISC) and Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugees (IGC). Each system has a clearly-defined scope. To avoid the duplication of efforts and responder burden, the EUAA, EMN, GDISC and IGC first verify if the information already exists in one of the databases.
