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3. EASO support to countries

The year 2020 marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of EASO. On the basis of its founding regulation, EASO focuses on improving the implementation of CEAS, strengthening practical cooperation on asylum among Member States, and providing operational support to Member States experiencing particular pressure on their asylum and reception systems. 

Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, EASO’s activities in 2020 were directly aimed at assisting Member States ensure business continuity, carrying on seamlessly with training activities and facilitating meetings online among Member States. EASO launched a dedicated information collection initiative to provide key stakeholders with updated, comprehensive and reliable information on the impact of COVID-19 on national asylum and reception systems and the roll-out plan for vaccinating asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection. To ensure high standards in processing asylum applications during the pandemic, EASO issued practical recommendations on conducting personal interviews remotely and on conducting remote/online registrations. 

In EASO’s operational work, health measures prompted the focus to shift to back-office workflows, such as working on the backlog of files; administrative duties in registration; providing support to appeals; capacity-building activities; improving policy and procedures; and remotely supporting information provision and reception through helplines. EASO also remained active on the ground and helped to relocate unaccompanied children from Greece to other Member States. Support to Spain was also agreed in late 2020 to alleviate the pressure on its reception system and develop a new reception model.

Video: EASO milestones and achievements

EASO Asylum Report 2021