Country of Origin Information

The EUAA Country of Origin Information (COI) gathers relevant information and draws up reports providing for accurate, reliable and up to date information on third countries to support EU+ asylum and migration authorities in reaching accurate and fair decisions in asylum procedures, or support policy making. For that purpose, the Agency established Country Specialist Networks that collaborate to avoid duplication and create synergies with national COI production. COI refers to, inter alia, the political, religious and security situation and to violations of human rights, including torture and ill-treatment in the third countries concerned. The EUAA activities include general COI and medical COI (MedCOI).


About COI

The EUAA gathers information about countries of origin, habitual residence, and transit used in procedures for the individual assessment of applications for international protection. COI may also be used in the context of non-asylum related migration cases. COI aims to answer questions about countries of origin relating to, for example, the socio-economic, legal, political, human rights, conflict, and humanitarian situation at a given time. 

COI facilitates and supports decision-making processes but does not dictate decisions. It is distinct from country guidance and legal assessments. COI constitutes evidence in the international protection procedure and is important in making a fact-based assessment of international protection needs.