Tacaíocht oiliúna EUAA i gcomhthéacs an chogaidh san Úcráin
The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine
Az EUAA képzési támogatása az ukrajnai háborúval összefüggésben
The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine
Potpora EUAA-e za osposobljavanje u kontekstu rata u Ukrajini
The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine
Podpora EUAA v oblasti odbornej prípravy v kontexte vojny na Ukrajine
The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine
Sprijin pentru formare acordat de EUAA în contextul războiului din Ucraina
The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine
Formação de apoio da EUAA no contexto da guerra na Ucrânia
The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine
Wsparcie szkoleniowe AUEA w kontekście wojny w Ukrainie
The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine
Opleidingsmateriaal van het EUAA in het kader van de oorlog in Oekraïne
The brochure outlines EUAA training support offered in the context of the war in Ukraine