News Published: 11 July 2024
Bangladesh: EUAA updates on the health landscape and availability of medical services in-country
The EUAA recently published five topical reports on the healthcare situation in Bangladesh, which provide Member States’ national authorities with information on the prevalence of gastroenterology, hepatitis, paediatric care, psychiatry, and pulmonology, as well as the access to treatment and medicines for these diseases in Bangladesh.
In total, since the start of 2024, the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) has published a series of nine MedCOI topical reports, as in February 2024 four reports were published regarding diabetes mellitus, cardiology, neurology and nephrology. These topical reports complement the general report on Health Care Provision in Bangladesh published in June 2023.
The MedCOI topical reports focus on the costs of treatment and medication, as they provide prices for consultations, specific examinations, and medications, while the general MedCOI report provides general information on the structure of the health system in Bangladesh, the public and private health sectors, and the pharmaceutical sector. Further, the general report focuses on economic factors including the health services provided by the state, insurance schemes and health expenditure. The reports are based on publicly available information in electronic and paper-based sources and also contain information from oral sources.
Bangladesh is a densely populated country and even though it is one the fastest growing economies in the world, those in lower socioeconomic groups are not able to afford health services. Health expenditure is one of the main reasons for poverty and deprivation amongst low-income households. Bangladesh has one of the highest out-of-pocket expenditure rates in the world.
Migration from rural areas to urban areas is increasing. Bangladesh has a rural network of public sector health services but lacks an equivalent network in the urban areas. A rapid and consistent inflow of migrants provides an additional source of pressure on services in urban slums and large cities. Bangladesh is also undergoing an epidemiological transition, especially in its urban areas.
Separately, the Agency has just published an updated COI Country Focus on Bangladesh.
The EUAA regularly publishes Medical Country-of-Origin Information reports, which aim to provide accurate and reliable up-to-date information on third countries to support EU+ national asylum and migration authorities involved in migration and international protection procedures. The reports are written according to the EUAA COI Report Methodology and can be reviewed on the Agency’s Medical Country of Origin Information Portal.